Free Class Music from ICI/PROI put this flat road into John's and my profile for New Year's Day and caught him by surprise! 🙂 In a good way- I think 🙂

These guys were one of the most influential 'hair metal' bands of the 80's. (I wonder if they still have hair today?)

It was fun using this tune because everyone knew it and heads popped up from the power consoles with smiles. We worked near (but not at) T2- jammin' on a flat road at rpm's of 90 for 4:44.

Here's Motley Crew and 'Kickstart My Heart:

Your Spotify Link:

Mötley Crüe — Kickstart My Heart

And a pretty darn decent free download from Soundcloud:

Have you seen our new Spotify > Deezer playlist conversion tool? You can use it to quickly convert any Spotify playlist over to Deezer. Check it out 🙂

Amy Macgowan

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