Free Class Music from ICI/PRO

Happy (Black) Friday! To all our friends in The States, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

John and I had the opportunity to teach a 90 minute 'pre-burn the bird' class yesterday. He came up with a loose profile, I added the music, we shared a microphone back and forth and the class went well! It might have even looked like we practiced once or twice (we'll not reveal whether we did or not). Everyone left the studio very sweaty, ready for a great meal and knowing their personal power threshold.

It was 15 degrees (F) here in MN yesterday, so we started our ride with two flat roads to help everyone properly warm up, brrrrrr. Three roads in, we introduced a 72 bpm, 3:30 moderate climb (right before our power threshold assessment)- and that's today's free music: One Day by Matisyahu:

The Spotify link:

Matisyahu — One Day - New Album Version

In Deezer

And two very different SoundCloud free downloads:

Have a wonderful weekend. I'm off to work at the Mall of America. Wonder what the parking will be like?







Amy Macgowan

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