Free Class Music from ICI/PRO

Happy first day of August already!

John emailed me yesterday and said, 'What about this song????' and I replied, 'I love it....been using it in my profile for the last 3 months!' and he  said, 'Of course you have..'

It's a great climb at 62 rpm's with a feel good background rhythm from this unsuspecting Norwegian songwriting duo. I've been using it early on in the ride, as we head into our first threshold and establish that as our base for riding and commit to never dropping below it for the rest of our ride together.

Here's Nico and Vinz with 'Am I Wrong:

The Spotify link:

Nico & Vinz — Am I Wrong

And, of course, the free download on Soundcloud - click the little shopping cart and then like the page for access to this and a buch of other tracks:

Amy Macgowan

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