instructor with mascara run

I have instructor friends with very blonde eyelashes. So for them to go without mascara on teaching days (like I do) is not an option. Most of them don't like waterproof mascara.  (Me either- it feels heavy, dries my lashes out and is virtually impossible to get off, even with the best remover.) If they had a choice, they wouldn't use waterproof mascara.

Guess what? We have a choice!

I'm aware of two products that 'waterproof' regular mascara. Like a waterproof topcoat. It's ingenious, really. We can wear our regular mascara most of the time, and waterproof it only when we need to!

Double Fix Mascara ($23) by Clarins is a transparent fixing gel that seals mascara to your lashes. It can also be used as a brow groomer as mentioned in this post: or used alone as a lash conditioner.

Bare Minerals Locked & Coated Waterproof Lash Topcoat ($12): I've not personally tried this, as it's new to market, but the reviews are great. This invisible topcoat instantly makes your mascara waterproof, without altering your mascara application.

So now when we have a life event where we might shed a tear or two- we don't need to go without mascara.

A video shoot of our class? No need to go lashless!

A good eye make up remover is needed when we've waterproofed. Make sure it's for waterproof make up removal. As a rule of thumb, if something says "gentle", it most likely won't remove waterproof makeup. Good removers are:

M A C Pro Eye Make Up Remover ($21)

Lancome Bi-Facil ($28)

Clinique Take the Day Off Makeup Remover for Lids, Lashes & Lips ($18)

Physicians Formula Eye Makeup Remover Lotion ($4.75)

Clarins Instant Eye Makeup Remover ($27)

Happy mascara wearing.

If you have amascara you like, or know of other 'waterproofers', please let us know. You can reach me:



*I receive no compensation for writing PRO/STYLE. I'll let you know when/if I do.




Amy Macgowan

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