I have instructor friends with very blonde eyelashes. So for them to go without mascara on teaching days (like I do) is not an option. Most of them don't like waterproof mascara. (Me either- it feels heavy, dries my lashes out and is virtually impossible to get off, even with the best remover.) If they had a choice, they wouldn't use waterproof mascara.
Guess what? We have a choice!
I'm aware of two products that 'waterproof' regular mascara. Like a waterproof topcoat. It's ingenious, really. We can wear our regular mascara most of the time, and waterproof it only when we need to!
Double Fix Mascara ($23) by Clarins is a transparent fixing gel that seals mascara to your lashes. It can also be used as a brow groomer as mentioned in this post: https://www.indoorcycleinstructor.com/icipro-instructor-training/framing-the-window-to-the-soul/ or used alone as a lash conditioner.
Bare Minerals Locked & Coated Waterproof Lash Topcoat ($12): I've not personally tried this, as it's new to market, but the reviews are great. This invisible topcoat instantly makes your mascara waterproof, without altering your mascara application.
So now when we have a life event where we might shed a tear or two- we don't need to go without mascara.
A video shoot of our class? No need to go lashless!
A good eye make up remover is needed when we've waterproofed. Make sure it's for waterproof make up removal. As a rule of thumb, if something says "gentle", it most likely won't remove waterproof makeup. Good removers are:
M A C Pro Eye Make Up Remover ($21)
Lancome Bi-Facil ($28)
Clinique Take the Day Off Makeup Remover for Lids, Lashes & Lips ($18)
Physicians Formula Eye Makeup Remover Lotion ($4.75)
Clarins Instant Eye Makeup Remover ($27)
Happy mascara wearing.
If you have amascara you like, or know of other 'waterproofers', please let us know. You can reach me: amyjo@groupfitnessradio.com
*I receive no compensation for writing PRO/STYLE. I'll let you know when/if I do.
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I always wear mascara when teaching, I just cannot go out of the house without wearing it. I do not like waterproof mascara for all the reasons listed above. After years of suffering, I found the perfect mascara Lash Power by Clinque. It will stay on for 24 hours without a smudge or smear even after a sweaty cycle class. It removes easily with warm water. I love it and the price point is fair at $16.00
Wow Hally,
Thank you for the call out. I’ve not seen this mascara yet, but it sure gets great reviews!
I couldn’t figure out how it was sweat proof and water proof, yet it came off with water…it didn’t seem logical until I researched it.
Due to ‘thermo-technology’, WARM water is needed to remove. That makes sense!
What a great product.
Thanks again for letting us know about it.
Thanks for the tips! I have been in search of a good remover for my waterproof mascara. I wear Estee Lauder Double Wear Makeup and it is sweat proof and will not cause breakouts! Hour Glass makeup makes a great waterproof bronzer that stays on until I take it off. It is $40, but mine lasted over a year!
Hi Lee Ann,
Double Wear has been a favorite of many. I’m glad it’s working for you so well and thank you for reminding us about it.
Hour Glass looks very interesting. Can’t wait to check it out at Sephora. A bronzer compact that lasts a year is a good value. My daughters go through it every six months and count on me to replenish them (that’s how I know). If I ever leave the cosmetic industry, they’ll have sticker shock!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the tips and thanks for yours.
Please let me know if there’s a topic you’d like me to cover.
Thanks for the product information! I often have to teach with makeup–coming in from work or a meeting, etc.–with no time to wash it off. The sealer sounds especially helpful–I’ll try it if I have that problem again. But I think I solved it: I received a small sample of Tarte mascara from Sephora and tried it. It’s not waterproof but it does not run at all–much to my surprise! It’s not as expensive as the Chanel I was using.
In the past, my eyeliner would also run, but I found Urban Decay waterproof 24/7 eye pencil (color zero). It’s dark gray, but doesn’t have the dead black look that many black eyeliners have, and you can apply it lightly for a subtle look, or darker.
I absolutely LOVE Camomile gentle eye make-up remover (4 OZ.) from the Body Shop. It works better for me than any waterproof removers, like Lancome or the others listed above. It’s inexpensive and the Body Shop always has sales.
Still haven’t figured out the foundation smears on the towel. I try to remember to rinse my face beforehand but usually forget. (I use Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer, so it’s not too bad.) I’ll try Le Ann’s suggestions. Or any suggestions you have, Amy!
Hi Kay,
I love Tarte! Which one of their mascaras are you using?
I haven’t completely solved the foundation color on the towel either…so I just wipe away. I figure if the guys can blow their noses into the club towels (which they do…a lot!) then we can wipe our foundation- lesser of two evils I think! I’ve started using Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 hour coverage foundation and it seems to stay on better and wipe off less than the others. The clay makes it super long wearing.
Great information on the Camomile eye make up remover from the Body Shop. Camomile is so soothing. I like that it’s gentle and still removes waterproof eye make up, and the price is great. I was a flight attendant (for a very brief period of time) and whenever I’d go to London, a definite stop was the Body Shop. This was before they came to the US.
Love your comments Kay. Thanks!
Hi Amy,
The Tarte mascara I use is called: Lights, Camera, Action. It works so well I don’t need their waterproof version, but they do have one. (I’ve never tried it.)It’s $19.00 at Sephora.
I will try the Tarte Amazonian Clay. (BTW, they have great eyelash curlers!)
Hi Kay,
I’m wearing Lights, Camera, Action for the first time as I type this. I like it so far! I also have some Lights, Camera, Flashes to try (the one in the funky gold case). Will let you know on that one too.
I’ve heard their eyelash curler is great. Since gripping my eyelid in the curler in about 9th grade, I’ve given up curling mine! I think I still remember how much it hurt!!!!
I took a quick trip through Sephora the other day. Tarte had some incredible holiday gift sets. I was tempted and ran out quickly.
I love these tips! I’ve been wearing Rimmel 25 hour long wearing foundation for class and it stays! I’m a bronzeaholic so when I wipe the sweat it’s the bronzer that comes off on my towel! I also wear lash blast by cover girl waterproof mascara that stays and comes off with sephora’s eye makeup remover. Recently I went in to try eyeliner’s out (I don’t do full eye when teaching) and tried the Stilla eyeliner, that stuff wouldn’t come off, even with all the remover product they have for you to try. If you want long wearing eyeliner I would recommend this as it will probably last for a day, night and a sleep! Thanks for the tips ladies…
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for your tips too! So glad you’re enjoying it.
Funny you should mention eyeliner. Just putting the finishing touches on Wednesdays post and it’s on liner!
Good minds think alike.
I’m a bronzeaholic too…have to be here in MN. It’s the only way to get any color! 🙂 One of the most beautiful bronzers on the market is Kevin Aucoin’s Celestial Bronzing Veil. Oh my…check it out when you have a chance and let me know what you think.I pop it on whenever I’m at Nordstrom working, and am going to have to purchase it. It’s just toooooo pretty!
Ladies – the very best option for mascara that does not smudge or budge and will come off with plain old warm water is “Blinc” the original tubing mascara – you can get it damp and it just stays. No more raccoon eyes and no removers! It is not thickening or lengthening but It is the absolute best for active ladies who can’t go without mascara (blondies like me)…..you can get it at Sephora and if u don’t like it they will take it back. 🙂 There are 2 versions and I suggest the one with smaller brush to start- the thick brush is nice but wait and see if you like it and then have one of each. Also, wait a few seconds as u apply to let it dry and then add more – since it goes on pretty lightly. Once it’s very dry u can’t add more, so be sure to get it right with no clumps( big brush version is good for separating the lashes). I can hardly stand to use anything else cause its so easy to remove.
Thanks Sue!
This sounds a lot like the Lash Power by Clinique- where it wears super well, but comes off with water. Thus the ‘thermo technology’ thing. I like the idea of building to what you want. Great call out on doing it while it’s wet.
The only mascara I’ve found I can add to after it’s dry and it goes on well is Lancome Hypnose (but only the regular Hypnose, not any of the extended versions of Hypnose). It was made to build on.
I didn’t know Sephora’s return policy was so liberal. More great information.
Thanks again!