Indoor Cycling Group ICG Master Instructor Jim Karanas

Jim Karanas

As a special treat we're providing this Podcast episode to everyone!

All week we have been discussing How You Sound and I thought you maybe interest in hearing a class from another Master Indoor Cycling Instructor!

This time it”™s Master Trainer Jim Karanas with the Team ICG & the Indoorcycling Group.

Jim graciously invited me to attend one of his classes at Club - One in San Francisco while I was in town. I recorded his class with my iPhone like I did for Podcast # 173 with the intent to show how easy it will be for you to record your class, how helpful it would be to hear How You Sound and to give you a reference to compare How You Sound with an experienced Master Instructor.
Here's Jim's 45 minute Playlist
To Heal (Underworld)
Amma (James Asher)
All or Nothing (Dirty Vegas)
Silent Snow (Parov Stelar)
Fire and Mercy (William Orbit)
These Are Days (10,000 Maniacs)
PHD (The Crystal Method)
Souka Nayo (Baaba Maal)
All My Days (Alexi Murdoch)
Here it is as a Spotify Playlist (one substitute - Silent Snow N/A)

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Originally posted 2014-10-20 05:33:56.


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