Tom Scotto with Cycling Fusion provides this informative PRO Podcast / Audio PROfile Hybrid

Here is the link for ICI/PRO members to participate for free on Saturday Jan 15th (day one) of Cycling Fusion's 12 week Winter Training Simulcast. I have been told that PRO members will have access to the recording of Saturday's training for one week.

This profile is called Aerobic Base Building. It is a hybrid profile consisting of a sample of drills
that focus on aerobic development and aerobic endurance. Each focus can be a class in and of
itself, or both focuses can be combined to create a single class. Often times aerobic development
is introduced earlier to help riders prepare for longer endurance efforts.

Here is the accompanying PDF for you to download.


Here's your Spotify PRO/Playlist! Deezer. We have made every attempt to replicate the original playlist. In some instances the tracks specified were unavailable in Spotify. When necessary we have substituted individual songs of similar length and tried to maintain the Instructor's intent.

Download the transcript of this podcast.


Originally posted 2011-01-10 12:23:42.

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