This is the companion Audio PROfile for the Epic Planet DVD Epic Wine Country. You can use it as the basis for an exciting and entertaining class. It features a 20 minute endurance section where you can conduct a T1 Aerobic Threshold assessment and pre-fatigue everyone”™s legs, during the flats, before heading into the hills. The 25 minute mark signals the start of 2 major climbs of 9:22 and 10:56 with very little recovery in between. The key to your student”™s success on these long climbs is to balance the work between their cardiovascular and muscular systems. To do so, we want to encourage everyone to keep their cadence up above 70 RPM for the entire class.

PRO members can purchase this DVD at a 30% discount using Coupon code ICIPRO30% at

Here is the PROfile and playlist to print out.


Here's your Spotify PRO/Playlist! Deezer. We have made every attempt to replicate the original playlist. In some instances the tracks specified were unavailable in Spotify. When necessary we have substituted individual songs of similar length and tried to maintain the Instructor's intent.

Originally posted 2011-05-28 11:18:57.


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