Doug Rusho, Master Instructor with Stages Indoor Cycle provides our latest Audio PROfile: Winch and Plummet


#1: Students will experience the contrast between resistance and cadence, as it relates to steady state power production.

#2:  Students will begin to discover what resistance/cadence combination is most efficient for their physiological make up.

Key take away from Doug:
In order to improve fitness we must continually challenge the body with new situations. Everyone has a “comfort zone” resistance/cadence combination when producing power. This profile encourages students to step a little outside their comfort zone for a diverse training effect. It may also be a source of self discovery, where a student realizes where their body works best and/or what their weaknesses are.

I'm experimenting with a few changes to these Audio PROfiles:

  1. I've been asking our Master Instructors to condense their descriptions in the interest of shortening the amount of time required for you to listen to the complete MP3.
  2. We've added some background music to interject some additional energy to the recording and get your presentation juices flowing.

Leave a comment and let me know your feeling about these changes.

Winch and Plummet Download

Winch and Plummet PRO/Playlist in Spotify with a few substitutions. Get it from Deezer here.

Listen to Doug's presentation here.

Originally posted 2012-08-12 10:40:39.

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