Jim Karanas Memorial Celebration

"He has taught us a new way, challenged us to reach higher, and motivated us to never quit.  He has changed us."

Celebrate the joyful life of an inspirational man.
Angela Karanas...
I was asked to pass along this invitation to Jim's friends - which are many 🙂

Jim Karanas Memorial Celebration
Host:Angela Karanas
When: Sunday, September 15 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Where: Wildwood Acres Resort 1055 Hunsaker Canyon RoadLafayette, CA 94549

You can RSVP here.
Let me know if you're planning to attend and we can coordinated room/ride sharing for those of us coming from out of town.
My flight gets into San Francisco Saturday afternoon @ 4:40pm
Chuck Cali has a line on bicycle rentals if you want to participate in the 4.5 mile bike procession from the Lafayette BART to Wildwood Acres Resort.  I'm there all day Monday. Maybe a bunch of us can ride that morning?
john@indoorcycleinstructor.com or 952-955-6363
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