I feel like a PRO talent scout and I just completed signing day with the NFL (National Football League). All my big stars have committed to contracts with our team!

Starting Quarterback from the University of Alabama has signed with ...

Well actual I feel I am a sort of PRO talent scout... one of my greatest pleasures is giving experts in our industry a platform, letting them show their stuff and watch as their stature and authority within our community grows from obscurity to WOW - DID YOU SEE WHAT HE POSTED?  🙂

I'm very excite to tell you that the ICI/PRO team has signed some very impressive talent for 2012!

ICI/PRO contributors who are contractually committed to ICI/PRO for 2012 are:

Indoor Cycling Group (ICG) / LIVESTRONG Fitness - weekly articles and monthly Audio PROfiles

  • Master Instructor Jim Karanas,
  • Master Instructor DR.  Joan Kent

Cycling Fusion - weekly articles and monthly Audio PROfiles

  • Master Instructor Tom Scotto
  • Master Instructor Gene Nacey

STAGES Indoor Cycling / FreeMotion Fitness - monthly articles and Audio PROfiles

  • Master Instructor Cameron Chinatti

Spynergy Indoor Cycling Studio Consultants -  monthly articles

  • Studio Owner and Startup Expert Bill Pryor

But I'm not done by any stretch. There are a few holdouts (you know who you are) who I'm still negotiating with and whom I feel will add even more value to ICI/PRO - helping our members thrive as Indoor Cycling Instructors over the next year!

And contrary to the NFL - we have no salary cap to limit our talent here at ICI/PRO!

Look forward to additional signing anouncements shortly.



Originally posted 2011-12-14 18:09:56.


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