When dancing years (and years and years....) ago in college, we had only one efficient way to remove calluses from our feet. We would sit around the studio after practice and use a single razor blade to cut them off. Thinking about it now, I am grateful I didn't get a nasty infection.
I continue to be a stellar callus maker and, since my college days, have sought the holy grail in (safer) callus removers. There's really nothing that ruins the look of a gorgeous pair of sandals and a nice pedicure like big rough calluses!
I've tried 'foot smoothers' like this one:
Numerous pumice stones like these:
Scary chemical callus removers like these:
And foot 'softeners' like this:
I managed to work up a good head of steam and increase my biceps size with the foot smoothers and pumice stones; however, my calluses remained in tact.
The chemical removers were just scary smelling and not very effective.
The the softeners only created a greasy mess.
BUT, the 'As Seen on TV' Ped Egg is the holy grail. I love this thing! It has 135 stainless steel micro files and includes an emery board piece to smoothen after you file. The Ped Egg comes with, or without a handle (I like the handle version). It also has a little collector compartment for your foot shavings, although I've found this to be the least effective aspect of the Ped Egg.
At first use, I was a bit over-aggressive with the Ped Egg. I was so excited, I might have over filed a bit! We do need some callus to protect our feet while walking and running. I was quite sensitive for about a week, so be careful.
File and emery board refills are available for your Ped Egg in a three pack.
This is one 'As Seen on TV' product that really works.
I haven't tried using a good foot cream afterwards, but I think it might extend the time between needing to Ped Egg again. Right now, I need to re-file about once a week.
You might ask why I just don't get a good pedi twice a month? Truth is- I'm super ticklish. Plus, when I DIY (do it yourself) I save a lot of $ and can justify spending it on something else :).
Questions, comments, suggestions? Something you love to use? Please comment or write me: amyjo@groupfitnessradio.com
I'd love to hear from you!
*I receive no compensation for writing this. Not even from John. I will happily let you know if I do in the future.
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I second the use of a ped. egg. A few passes every week keeps the calluses under control.
Truth is, I don’t want to totally get rid of my calluses (otherwise, I’ll have to work hard on building them again) but I’ve found they crack very easily with too much neglect……one reason I don’t go in for professional pedicures too frequently.
BTW, have you heard/read about piranha pedis? Apparently they’re all the rage in England. Now that’s just plain too weird for my liking!
While I’m at it, check out this Bad Boy http://www.brookstone.com/ineed-soothing-air-foot-massager?bkiid=SubCategory_Massage_Body_Massagers_Leg___Foot_Massagers|SubCategoryWidget|634915p&catId=
I gave my husband very strict instructions that her should NOT buy me any more jewelry as a gift. When I first opened this contraption up (it’s very heavy!) I thought it was one of those “gifts” that says “You don’t want *X* as a present ……well, here you go!!!”
As pricey as I think it is, this really does the business. There’s a compression thingie and then a massage ….or a combo of the two. Apparently he got the idea from a couple of the nurses in his department who swear by this. I do a foot soak, a ped egg, a foot cream slather with those socks that TK Maxx sells …. and then this. Add a gin and tonic ….. heaven.
Hi Viv,
I completely agree with you on leaving a bit of callus. Oh my, I was very tender footed the first time I over used the Ped Egg.
I’m with you on the Piranha Pedi’s…simply too big a leap for me to take. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1273306/The-Piranha-pedicure-Its-Britains-newest-scariest-beauty-fad–flesh-eating-fish-nibble-dead-skin-feet.html
Your Shiatsu Brookstone massager looks like heaven! From the reviews, the nurses advising your husband know what they are talking about. (Makes sense–they’re on their feet all day…)
Going to go have a G & T now….cheers!