Christian, Seth and MeThe Power of "3"

"Viva!" by Bond

"Frequency" by Slyde

"Restless" by Evil Nine

On October 10th my sons, Christian and Seth, and I  participated in an indoor cycling charity ride called The Roadless Ride which benefits a local charity named Brent's Place.   This event consists of 12 one hour indoor cycling classes where participants donate $45 or more for each class they choose to participate in.  There is also a group of "Century Riders" who ride all 12 hours.  Christian, Seth and I joined 22 other endurance junkies for this challenge.  It was an awesome day!  Most of the classes sold out and all the Century Riders completed their 12 hour endurance journey.  The event organizers are predicting we raised over $100,000!

I participated in 9 classes and led 3.  For the final 2 hours I team taught with fellow instructor, Collin Catel.  Colin and alternately taught 3 song sets.  We have different teaching and music styles, but when we were organizing our playlist I fell in love with this set that Colin put together, so I thought I would share it with you.

I also included the video we used with this 3 song set.  I hope you enjoy it!

Attached to this post is:

A detailed set profile to print

3 song harmonically mixed track, to download Right Click > Save As / Save Target As to download. Open in iTunes and then you'll see this in your Spotify Local File folder.


3 song harmonically mixed track AND video, to download Right Click > Save As / Save Target As to download.



Dennis Mellon

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