Update: December 20th 2009 I posted a video review and test ride of the AC Performance Indoor Cycling Bike

Schwinn AC performance cycle on https://www.indoorcycleinstructor.com/acperformance
Amazon.com has the best shipping rate for Schwinn A.C. Performance Indoor Cycle Trainer

Schwinn introduced their new A C Performance Indoor Cycle bike at last months IHRSA convention.

The addition of Power - Watts measurement to an IC bike can best be described as Indoor Cycling 2.0â„¢, where we transition from Exercising (not measurable) to Training (fully measurable). If you have participants who have come to your class for years, without any real improvement, Indoor Cycling 2.0â„¢ may be the answer they are looking for.

Here is a link to more information. What has me excited is what they are calling Virtual Contactâ„¢ Resistance Technology - this innovative system utilizes magnets and an aluminum disk to generate resistance. It sounds a lot like Keiser's magnet system, which I feel is superior to any friction based resistance system

Your ICI Podcast Host is hot after them for an interview and I hope to feature the Schwinn A C Performance bike and Schwinn's (new?) Instructor Certification program on a future episode



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