Just last Saturday I taught my regularly scheduled 7:15 am class and my faithful regular 20+ were there. We were all disappointed that it was, again, cold and rainy/snowy on April 30 and that we could not be training outside, but were thankful for our gym membership.
I yelled out my good morning greetings, popped in some pre-class music, checked in with everyone and set about preparing class. Once on my bike, I changed music and engaged the class to start. At this very moment, a class member I did not recognize turned on her i-pod and plugged in her ear buds. Seriously?!?!?!?!?!? I gave her the “instructor hairy eye ball” (you know the look), hoping she would get the clue to remove them, but, alas, she did not. Throughout the entire anaerobic threshold one hour class, she did the exact opposite of my cueing. When we were in the saddle, she was climbing ferociously out of the saddle (and not in spectacular form). When we were climbing out of the saddle, she was pedaling at 120 rpm”™s in the saddle. It was like her ear buds were Bose Quiet Comfort Noise Canceling (me). In fact, every once and awhile, she would remove her ear buds and take a listen and then go back to doing whatever it was she was doing on her own. I continued to give her “the look” to no avail. She was doing her own thing regardless of what the rest of us were up to. Why in the world did she come to a class? (Please keep in mind, this was a far cry from “modifying” due to injury, or a difference in a training schedule!)
Has this ever happened to you? How did you handle it? I would love your feedback on this.
As I multi-tasked (taught, “hairy eye-balled” and assessed the situation), I figured I had a few options:
1. Ignore her and her rudeness
2. Address her in front of the class (assuming I could get her attention through her sound proof ear buds)
3. Talk with her after class
4. Leave it this time, but if I see her in class again, talk with her before class starts and ask her to please be respectful of not only me, but the other 20+ people in the class that are there to work as a group. I will also mention to her that the cycling studio is available for her to use anytime there is not a class in session.
5. Ask another class member to speak with her, using peer pressure.
It”™s fairly obvious I chose #4. I actually wanted to do #3, but she bolted out of class, so I had to default to #4. I will update you if she and her i-pod pop into class again anytime soon and let you know how our conversation goes.

In the meantime, I would appreciate your insight!

Originally posted 2011-05-08 05:00:00.

Amy Macgowan
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