Our commitment for this years ICI/PRO conference it to provide the absolute best fitness education available! As we finalize our roster of presenters I wanted you to meet someone new 🙂 Dr. Carl Foster is, as best I can determine, the most widely cited exercise scientist there is on the subject of Threshold based Heart Rate training. Dr. Foster's specialty is in Human Performance and many prominent coaching and endurance experts base their training techniques on the original research conducted by Dr. Foster at the University of WI - Lacrosse.

Carl Foster, Ph.D., FACSM, FAACVPR

Carl is the Director of the Human Performance Laboratory, is the Research Director of the CEP program, and teaches a number of courses in the curriculum (ESS 744: Laboratory Techniques in Clinical Exercise Physiology, EFN 730: Research Methods, ESS 780: Philosophy and Organization of Preventative and Rehabilitative Programs). Carl has over 20 years of clinical experience (at Sinai Samaritan Medical Center in Milwaukee) before coming to UW-L. Carl has a very active research program and has published ~250 scientific articles and chapters and 11 longer works (books/monographs/ position stands). Relevantly, he was a co-editor of the first ACSM Health and Fitness Facilities Standards and Guidelines and was on the writing task force for the joint ACSM/AHA Position Stand on Health and Fitness Facilities.

Carl is highly involved in both ACSM and AACVPR. He is a Past President of ACSM and was the chairperson of the Research Committee for AACVPR. Additionally, he is the Chair of the Sports Medicine/Sports Science/Drug Testing committee for U.S. Speedskating. He is a long-time member of the scientific support team for U.S. Speedskating and was the recipient of a research grant from the International Olympic Committee to conduct studies at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. Carl was the recipient of the M.L. Pollock Established Investigator Award from AACVPR in 2006. He was also given the Citation Award by ACSM in 2009. He is the Editor of the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance.

I've heard Dr. Foster speak and I'm confident you will find him engaging and informative. The titles of his planned sessions are:

  1. Designing a Training Program Worthy of Indoor Cycling 2.0 : You've already moved from "exercise" to "training", now it's time to move from a 1 class mentality to a full season mentality.  Instead of helping your students think about the objectives of a single class, help them see the significance of a single season.  Dr. Foster, Ph.D. will teach you how to create a simple and straight forward approach to building a training plan that can work for you, your students and your health club.
  2. The Talk Test: Your Free Key to Finding Your Threshold: Knowing your heart rate threshold is the key to establishing your heart rate zones, and forms the basis for any credible cardiovascular training program.  Getting a metabolic test to give you fact certain readings is great, but the expense is, well... not for everyone.   However, one thing is certain; if you don't do a proper assessment, you can't get started.  Dr. Foster, Ph. D will take you through the eitiology of how he and his collegaues developed the talk test, and how incredibly reliable it is even though it is a free field test.  This will be followed by a 30 minute on-bike application to experience it for yourself, and simultaneously see how it is taught.
  3. The Magic of Measuring & Monitoring Training: You've heard the expression: "If you can measure it, you can improve it".  It is a vertible axiom in life and sports.  While the Cycling Room has been the last area of the industry wide health club to get real training tools, the good news is that they are coming.  If you bike doesn't have a computer or read out console of some kind right now, then chances are that the next time the club buys new bikes, that will all change.  Dr. Foster, Ph.D. will explain the benefits of measuring and monitoring your training, as well as providing guidelines for getting your own program started.
  4. T1 & T2, The One-Two Punch of Cardiovascular (or Heart Zones®) Training: First there was Max heart rate training.  Then there was an enlightened exercise physiology community that promoted Threshold training as the preferred approach to improving performance in aerobic sports.  The existance and incorporation of the Two Threshold system of training (Low Threshold or T1 and High Threshold or T2) is the next evolutionary step in both understanding and applying excericise science to our every day physical fitness routines. Dr. Foster, Ph.D. is joined by Gene Nacey, MPH for this session.  After Dr. Foster explains the rationale for T1 and the benefits of training relative to this biomarker, Gene Nacey shares multiple case studies where these two thresholds were identified, measured and monitored for before and after effects.

We are building in extra Q&A time for each of Dr. Foster's sessions, so you will be able to get all your questions answered.


I have opened early registration for those of you wanting to get a jump on everyone else. This year we are offering you the chance to make multiple payments, rather than one lump sum. Here is the link to register.

Last year the hotel sold out. Even if you are thinking about sharing a room I would suggest that you reserve a room here's the phone number to the hotel 978-750-7987 and tell them you are in the Indoor Cycling group. We will be helping connect those looking for room-mates. NOTE: Our block of reserved rooms extends from September 28th to October 4th for those of you wanting to come early or stay a day or two longer.



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