Top 100 Spinning and Indoor Cycling Songs

ICI/PRO”™s Top 100 Songs

Want to punch up your playlist with some of the best music on the planet AND get the inside scoop on how to teach each empowering song? Thanks to a suggestion from ICI/PRO member Charles Farrow of Montgomery, Alabama, we”™re going to collect 100 of the BEST songs ever recorded along with coaching tips from YOU - the most passionate instructors in the world!

Think for a moment…what is your favorite song - that little gem that creates explosive energy and reaffirms your commitment to indoor cycling? Now, here comes the good do you TEACH that magical song to encourage your students and help them squeeze out every last drop of effort?

We need your help to create this golden list of inspiration. I”™ll kick it off with my top five songs and the rest is up to you! Simply reply to this post - ONE SONG per COMMENT. C”™mon, send us your best! (Duplicate songs are welcome as long as the teaching method is different.)

Update: Comments are closed on this post and Barbara has compiled the list for you. We ended up with 161 and they are available free to subscribers of our email newsletter.

The list of 161 songs is old news. Have you seen our new: BEST 400 Indoor Cycling Songs list? It's free to subscribers to our email newsletter. Click here to join now.


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