Allen Jones from always sends me an advance copies of new Indoor Cycling DVDs he produces. Allen does this because - A) he knows I frequently use video in my class, B) there is no better place on the internet to promote videos for your next Spinning class and C) because yours truly did the ride profile for his latest video - Epic Wine Country.
Actually I had received an advanced, advance copy that he burned by hand, so I could use it in my class before writing the profile.
I have a brand new copy of Epic Wine Country indoor cycling dvd that I want to give it to an ICI/PRO member along with an official ICI/PRO long sleeve t-shirt.
So I devised a little contest 🙂
What is my favorite David Bowie Song?
Now I realize that there are a lot of Bowie songs, so I will give you a few hints:
- It was produced before 1980
- I would sing a song to my two girls when they were very young, but not if Amy was around - you don't want to hear me sing 🙁
- It had a little Doo-Wop in it.
- On the the album it transitioned to a song with a title (actually a statement) that I would prefer my two girls say NO to.
- It wouldn't work in any Indoor Cycling class - way to slow.
Now I realize that the majority of ICI/PRO members were born after 1980, but just the same I'm guessing there are a few Bowie fans in our community.
First commenter with the correct answer wins!
Originally posted 2011-03-05 10:00:00.
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“Always crashing in the same car” was followed by “Be my wife” on the Album “Low”. Not sure about doo-wop.
The majority of IC!/PRO were born after 1980!? Now I feel really old and yes, I am a Bowie fan.
Stephen that’s a good guess but not my favorite.
Hally that’s a “line” I use in my classes. When some recognizable 70s rock song comes up on my class playlist I’ll say something like; “now I realize that most of you weren’t even born when this was released”… when its very obvious that many in the class are as old, or older, than me. It never fails to get me a few knowing smiles.
My husband used to sing The Prettiest Star to my daughter when she had colic…..that and the Java Jive (not David Bowie)……didn’t think it was that slow but both of these are pretty doo-wop like
Don’t know where the second post came from…..over exhuberant use of the submit comment button as the nostalgia kicked in, I guess
My line with anything pre-1970 is “I nearly remember this”
Hi Allen and John…will these DVD’s work with an E Spinner? I have a customer who has the Star Trac bike but is tired of the canned rides that came with it. Allen’s rides would be perfect…thx!
Prettiest Star – it precedes “Let’s Spend the Night Together”
You win Vivienne! Fantastic to know I’m not the only one to sing Prettiest Star to his daughters… but only while they were to young to know I can’t really sing.
Barbara I don’t know but I will ask Allen.
Cool…..I never win stuff like this. I am so NOT a music maven but I guess even a stopped clock’s right once in a while.
Just discovered the epicRides from the article about Shirin’s epic rides and got my Beartooth Pass DVD last week…..I know I’ll enjoy this one.
The trip down memory lane was even better. When my daughter calls tomorrow, I’ll sing it to her to see if she remembers it (I’m sure I’ll be able to hear her rolling her eyes!)
I tried with mine and she stopped me before I got to the chorus with; “Don’t sing Dad.”
To Barbara’s question, yes our epicRIDES Digital Downloads (DDLs) work great on the eSpinner playing through the bike’s iDevice connection. I demo this capability at Interbike in the Spinning booth using my iPhone. Just pluged it into the eSpinner and away we went!
I’ve always said there is very little gray hair on the fitness floor, but I was born prior to 1980 and teach, coach and train in order to stay sane. If all I did was worry about budgets and staffing I’d go insane. Educating & Inspiring others is am amazing privelage!