Former Spinning Master Instructor Debbie Miller is the Director of, a program designed to assist wounded service people and physically challenged athletes become Group Fitness Instructors. How cool is that?

Working in partnership with Johnny G, Project VisAbility is hosting a Sweat For a Vet, a multi location fundraiser on Saturday November 12th.

From the Project VisAbility website:

The facts and figures speak for themselves... there are a large number of people with disabilities. Those with disabilities have a harder time finding work, earn less, live in poverty more often and experience depression, divorce and staggering suicide rates.

Yet there are those who have overcome their obstacles to lead or return to a fulfilled and active life. What if we could harness the inspiration and leadership of physically challenged athletes who wanted to use their talents and share their motivation with others? With Project VisAbility we can.

Inclusive Fitness encourages the fitness industry to go beyond the minimum levels of accessibility and make fitness environments not just accessible but truly inclusive. We want to take that one step further and enable those with physical challenges to also lead and inspire.

The ability to link job opportunities with capable physically challenged instructors will truly benefit everyone–disabled instructors, health and fitness clubs and members.


Please listen to my interview with Debbie and then click here to participate 🙂


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