online indoor cycling instructor certification
In the past, if you wanted to earn a Heart Zones Certification you needed to attend a live conference or workshop. Not any longer... now you can attend online 🙂

Cycling Fusion is hosting a live Heart Zones Level 2 Certification on September 22nd. The presenters of this training are Tom Scotto and Sally Edwards. CECs for most national certifications and you can petition Spinning for their acceptance You can learn more and reserve spot here.

Note: this event is long past, but you can earn your certification using the recorded educational content. Click here to learn more.

The beauty of participating in this certification online (and may make an online certification superior to a live event) is that everything will be recorded and available for you to review for up to 6 months.  Also, if you can't devote the entire day you can watch the recordings at a later date.

NOTE: If you are reading this after September 22nd 2012 you can earn this certification by reviewing all the recorded materials.

Tom and I discuss the specifics in this episode of the Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast.


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