spinner bikes replace with freemotion

Out with the Spinner NXTs and in with the FreeMotion S11.9s

I just got confirmation that the Life Time Athletic club, where I have a Sunday 90 min endurance class, will have 65 new FreeMotion S11.9 indoor cycles for my next class!

There had been a lot of rumors, but I couldn't get confirmation until today from our Group Fitness dept head.  I'll be meeting with the FreeMotion representative this Friday when they do their install.

It's about time. Two years ago I got all excited when two Schwinn AC performance bikes magically appeared in this studio... but then nothing more. Cue crickets chirping here.

I called Cameron Chinatti today and told asked her to help me with my first class and she has agreed to record a First Class With Power Audio PROfile later this week 🙂

Can't wait to update everyone about my experience.


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