Out with the Spinner NXTs and in with the FreeMotion S11.9s
I just got confirmation that the Life Time Athletic club, where I have a Sunday 90 min endurance class, will have 65 new FreeMotion S11.9 indoor cycles for my next class!
There had been a lot of rumors, but I couldn't get confirmation until today from our Group Fitness dept head. I'll be meeting with the FreeMotion representative this Friday when they do their install.
It's about time. Two years ago I got all excited when two Schwinn AC performance bikes magically appeared in this studio... but then nothing more. Cue crickets chirping here.
I called Cameron Chinatti today and told asked her to help me with my first class and she has agreed to record a First Class With Power Audio PROfile later this week 🙂
Can't wait to update everyone about my experience.
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Congratulations! Do they come with power/watt meters too?
I am going to be the VERY FIRST instructor to teach on the Free Motion S11.9’s at Lifetime Athletic Eden Prairie. Please please post this audio profile for me AND FAST 🙂 I teach the day before John.
Thank you in advance.
I love these bikes and you will too. Have fun.
I wasn’t clear about something – I’ve been subbing at a different Life Time that has both FreeMotion and Schwinn’s with power. What’s different (and what I want Cameron’s with) is my Sunday endurance class will fully embrace Power. I want to be sure that I present the most important concepts properly – not overload them – so everyone has the best experience possible.
Hooray for Lifetime Fitness, members and cycle instructors. The move to bikes with metrics shows the industry is moving into the 21st century, albeit slowly.
Clearly this is an indication of an organization that understands the value of the cycle program.
Here in the bay area I see it as well. A new 24Hour Super Sport just opened. The cycle studio fully equipped with great sound, good lighting and 30 SchwinnAC with power. The virtual line of cycle instructors trying to get work there was out the door and around the corner.
At Google their studio is very nice (pictures of androids riding bikes painted on the walls) with a bevy of Keiser M3’s.
Unfortunately, at one VERY large club here, their idea of ‘new bikes’ was converting the old star trac spinners from wire water bottle holders to the new handle bars with dual water holders.
We were so excited to hear we were getting new bikes. What a let down for members and instructors to see the same old bike with new handlebars.
Can’t wait to hear Cameron’s audio profile.
LiftTime Fitness members, Amy and John, ENJOY!!!
wow- we are about 2 weeks ahead of you- newbies, and a few months behind Cycledelic. It would be really beneficial to collaborate sometime. I’ll be watching for your updates on progress. And the best part is, you’ll be getting a Functional Threshold ride!!
WooHoo! I’m excited for LTF and of course, InMotion and Cycledelic!!! I’m still working on getting access to our bikes for my own participants at one of the YMCAs in Nashville – you lucky ducks!
Amy, what day do you teach? Thursday morning? I’m gonna try my darndest to get this finished by then. I’ve been on the road for the last week and every time I look at my inbox, I surpress a panic attack 😉
Nose to the grind stone… here I go!
I teach Saturday morning 715 am, bright and early Cam! So, a bit better than Thursday. The bikes are being installed Friday.
Congratulations on your bikes. John, I have a question unrelated to this post that I would like to ask you about but am not sure the best way to get up with you.