Why doesn't Jake take Spinning classes?

Why no Spin classes Jake?

Hey Jake,

Can you help me understand what you have against Indoor Cycling?

I see you riding bikes, running, chillin by the grill, playing golf  and even yoga. But you're never seen participating in the #1 most popular group fitness activity of all time; riding with us in a Spinning / Indoor Cycling class.

What's up with that?

Simple oversight?

Or is there more to it?

I've been walking around with you on my head for years. I actually had an Instructor (Spook) at our last conference ask me; "where's that beat up Life Is Goodhat you're always wearing?"

We've been together for a long time

We've been together for a long time - Dec 09

I had to tell him the truth that my favorite hat was no longer with us 🙁 My wife Amy actually bought me another Life Is Good hat, you're playing Golf... I don't play golf. So despite her nice gesture (she could't find anything else) I'm forced to go through life without you.

Me and a young you on a beach in Jamaica in 2006

If you're ever in Minneapolis I would love to have you try one of my classes. Let me know you're coming john@indoorcycleinstructor.com


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