online indoor cycling ACE CECs continuing education credits

Where does the time go?

It seems like just last month I was busy completing the last few of the 20 credit hours (2.0 CECs) I needed for my ACE group fitness Instructor renewal. Actually it was two years ago and at the time, I took advantage of the free CEC's offered by Team ICG.

While I was scrambling again this year to complete all my credits, I figured I should share my bookmarked sources for relevant online courses with our ICI/PRO members. All of these educational offerings carry ACE CECs and credits with other certification providers.

ICG Indoor Cycle Instructor CEC online

$29.00 for these 0.4 CECs is a great deal!

Team ICG

While ICG's CECs are no longer free, they are still a real bargain at $7.25 to $10.00 per credit hour. That's about half what I'm used to paying. There's a bunch of interesting study topics available like; periodization, music & motion, heart rate training and overtraining. Click over to to learn more and you'll need to scroll down to find the CEC courses.

cycling fusion online certification

Cycling Fusion

I've been a fan of Cycling Fusion for years (that's me in the white do-rag) and they offer multiple, comprehensive online certifications. Existing instructors who want to learn to teach with Power will benefit from their excellent Power Training certification.  

Parkinson's Cycling Coach

Coach Kathy Helmuth's online certification prepares instructors to successfully lead a Parkinson's Cycling class.

The research is clear — physical activity has been shown to reduce the symptoms associated with Parkinson”™s Disease, (PD for short).

Multiple studies point to the benefits of exercise in improving muscular strength, flexibility and balance with subsequent functional improvement in individuals with PD. However, the information in the literature suggests that physical activities require some specific characteristics for this population. Exercises focusing on strength training, balance, aerobic conditioning as well as the use of external cues during gait can result in overall improvement in motor performance and quality of life related to PD patients”™ health.

This certification includes 0.5 CECs 

Free ACE group fitness cec

ACE Fitness

ACE offers a number of free and low cost online CEC and certification courses. You can view them here.

Originally posted 2016-08-15 14:29:00.

Amy Macgowan

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