I see a big part of growth (both personal and professional) is being willing to take risks in your life. When I first started the Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast there wereย probably a hundred reasons why it was a bad idea... but I chose to ignore them.

A little over 60% of ICI/PRO members are women. Does it make sense to include content here that only applies to them?

As an experiment Amy hasย writtenย an article about another passion in her life. It's one that she feelsย is very applicable to the presentation skills she needs to teach an engaging and effective Indoor Cycling Class.

Let me know.



โ€œDo you really wear lipstick when you teach?โ€

Spinning Instructor Amy Macgowan

Amy's alter-ego as a Lancรƒยดme makeup artist

My answer to that question is yes.


There are a number of reasons why, but it truly started years ago when a member asked me, "are you feeling okay?" ย I felt great... but apparently didnโ€โ„ขt look it ๐Ÿ™

After class, I looked in the mirror and tried to be objective.ย  What had she seen that would cause her to ask me that? There staring back at me was a harried mom of two young children who had rushed out of the house with her hair scraped back in a ponytail and not a stitch of make-up on, in the dead of a MN winter.ย  I looked rather, well, cadaverโ€ishโ€ if I do say so myself.ย  It wasn't the face of an instructor who looked well prepared for her class, even though I really was - having spent hours the night before putting my ride and play list together.ย  It was then and there that I decided I wanted to look as well prepared for my classes as I actually was.

Flash forward a few yearsโ€ฆmy kids are now 20 and almost 17.ย  I still love teaching and I also love my job as a make-up artist.ย  My passion for helping women use make-up to enhance their natural beauty may have started that fateful day at the gym.ย  ย I do not go into class in full make-up artist regalia.ย  But I do take just a couple minutes to apply a bit of mineral foundation- it is long wearing and water (read sweat) resistant, a little bronzer and blush (remember, I live in MN and am MN pale) and some relatively tame lipstick.ย  I stay away from the โ€œBurlesque redsโ€ while teaching.ย  I also make sure to put lotion on my Minnesota dry - flakey legs. Thatโ€โ„ขs all I do.

Then I feel ready to teach.

I was in a training session a long time ago that described teaching as being โ€œon stageโ€.ย  I couldnโ€โ„ขt agree more.ย  This little make-up regimen prepares me for my own โ€œon stageโ€ time.ย  I think of it as putting my best "work-out" face forward.ย  We are in front of people, usually with some sort of lighting on us at some point during the class and a darkened room.ย  Actors/actresses would not think of going on stage without make-up.ย  I wouldnโ€โ„ขt either anymore.ย  I feel more confident with a minimal amount of make-up on and it helps me communicate the fact that I am well prepared, inside and out.

So, are you feeling okay?

Originally posted 2011-03-07 05:00:00.

Amy Macgowan

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