If you're a frustrated iPad/iPhone user, tired of seeing this notice, help is on the way!
September 2013 Update: This is now fixed... but you may have already discovered that 🙂

... but Safari doesn't support Flash... so now what?
You may have tried to download the latest version of Flash only to see...
Word is that you can thank the late Steve Jobs for why you can't listen to the Podcast, using the embedded player on page, with an Apple portable device. Right or wrong, Apple Jobs decided not to include support for what's called Flash in the Safari internet browser that was included with your iPad/iPhone.
Without getting super technical, up until recently most media content (audio & video) worked using software called Flash. Those little YouTube videos on the right of this article are Flash players. But like everything else, things improve and change. The latest and greatest new media player uses HTML5. It's thought that HTML5 will replace Flash at some point, but there's a modern day BETA vs. VHS debate going on that involves multiple players who don't have history of playing nice with each other; Apple, Google and Microsoft.
Understanding that VHS won the day over BETA due to mass-market acceptance, Apple Jobs choose to force the issue by removing Flash support from software that runs your Apple portable devise - but kept Flash enabled on Apple computers. That's why you can still listen using the Podcast player, when you're using your Mac Laptop.
Potential solutions for you.
- Install the Apple Podcast App if you haven't already. Non members can use it to subscribe to the free podcast and ICI/PRO members can use it to subscribe to their Super Secret iTunes Feed to access everything we publish. You can find a short tutorial here.
- Switch to a different Internet Browser - The Puffin Browser which supports Flash - NOTE: the free version only supports Flash for 14 days. The paid version is $2.99

My iPhone running Puffin plays the Podcast just fine 🙂
I've been steadily growing more and more frustrated with Apple. It seems they are getting a little too big for their britches - like the Microsoft of old. The new iTunes is a joke (it doesn't even size itself properly to fit my computer screen = I can't see the scroll bar) and don't get me started on Apple's pathetic maps app - dump it and install the Google Maps app so you're not completely lost tomorrow.
All of us PC users learned long ago that Internet Explorer is the worst browser on the planet and have switched to either Chrome or FireFox. Explorer is the root of a common problem opening Spotify playlists on PCs. This article explains that the solution is switching to chrome or FireFox.
I have a few iPad owners trying Puffin and will report in with their experiences ASAP.
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I downloaded the Puffin app and it does allow you to access and listen to the podcasts. Thanks for providing the info about Puffin.
William G.
You’re welcome William!
If you (talking about anyone reading this) have a question, concern, frustration or you’d just like to say HI – please let either me or Jennifer know so we can act on it.
In this example; I don’t have an iPad so I wasn’t aware that this problem had been effecting ICI/PRO members. I use the Podcast App on my iPhone but now realize how many of you use your iPad like a laptop > and expect similar functionality.
Help is always an email away 🙂
John asked me to give Puffin a try… He knows I’m a sucker for the new stuff. I downloaded the free version.
To be clear, Puffin is a browser so it is not a single purpose app. They were very up front with their notification on the time limits of the free version. So one will have to cough up the $2.99, sooner rather than later unless, you refer Puffin to others. There is a limit to referrals so unless bugging your friends is fun, just pay the $2.99, it is worth it.
Beyond flash ability Puffin’s claim to fame is speed. I did not see it but I’m lucky to live in an area where very high speed broadband is available. Puffin may be optimized for slower delivery mediums.
Overall I liked Puffin especially the UI. If one did not already have an app that played podcasts I would definitely recommend this app/browser. It seems odd to me but I suppose if one is unhappy with Safari beyond no flash Puffin would be a good alternate.
Listening to podcasts on iPad is easily done with Apple’s ‘podcasts’ app. It is free. I’ve been running it for some time. Now that there is video accompanying some podcasts I will need more than podcasts so I chose to spend the $2.99.