iTunes 12.2 wasn't ready for the launch :(

iTunes 12.2 wasn't ready for the launch - so I have no idea how, or even if, it works Β πŸ™

7/1 9:40am - could this be anymore confusing? Trying to save a streamed track to a playlist named 7/1 Test Playlist I created this morning. After exhausting all obvious methods, I tried first adding it to MY Music = success. Turns out that to add an Apple Music track to a playlist, it first needs to be downloaded to your computer like all of your local tracks...


You have got to be kidding me - really Apple? You won't allow me to transfer a playlist from my computer to my iPhone?

You have got to be kidding me - really Apple? You won't allow me to transfer a playlist from my computer to my iPhone?

So it looks like the only offline usage of Apple Music is on a computer πŸ™

I'm not wasting anymore time with this.

7/1 8:06am - seeing iTunes 12.2 is now available (link) and downloading it now. I will be posting my experiences shortly.

I'll be adding updates of my initial experiences above, as I have them... I'll save you some time by telling you that I already hate Apple Music.

Alright, I'm a little biased on the subject. I've developed a dislike for iTunes over the years and Apple Music hasn't done anything to change that opinion.Β 

I was excited to try the new Apple Music Streaming Music service today. It went live at 11:00est and if you update your iPhone or iPad to the latest version of iOS 8.4 you'll see the new iTunes logo. Click it and (if you're lucky) the new Apple Music will open. I say lucky because it took 4 tries (opening and then closing the App) to get past the welcome screen.

I got kind of tired seeing this screen, and nothing more.

I got kind of tired seeing this screen, and nothing more.

Once I had a functioning iPad App - I quickly realised that, like Spotify, building playlists will be easier from a desktop. Apple Music is part of iTunes 12.2... unfortunately at the time I posted this it wasn't available.

Apple Music where is iTunes 12.2

Err, no this isn't the most current version πŸ™

Moving attempting to move a track into a playlist on my iPad requires a number of clicks; first click the track to play it > then click the "..." more icon for an option to move to a playlist. I prefaced this with attempted to move > after repeated tries I've yet to successfully see any tracks added to my test playlist. So I can't tell you how it works, because it doesn't.


No Cross Fade

This is a deal breaker for me. Apple Music doesn't appear to offer a crossfade > Just the EQ and volume limiter you had in iTunes.I love the crossfade feature in Spotify and can't even consider delivering class music without it. Β The one exception would be when I used one of Dennis Mellon's premixed class MP3s, which he's already fully mixed, so it's a non-issue.

I'm going to wait to see if Apple can sort out their issues, and release iTunes 12.2 so I can try the desktop version.

Stay tuned - but don't hold your breath. Spotify doesn't appear to have a competitor here for Indoor Cycling Instructors.


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