Suzette O'Byrne on Keiser M3This Podcast is was originally published on November 26, 2008, I have updated it with our new Podcast host information and I am representing it now. I hope you enjoy it, Joey

Keiser Cycling Master Trainer Suzette O'Byrne and I discuss their M3 Indoor Cycle and it's unique magnetic resistance system. Suzette also describes the focus of their Indoor cycling certification and module based continuing education programs. You can find Indoor Cycling Certifications and Workshops here.

You heard it here first!
I think Suzette gave me my first "news scoop". Keiser Cycling is planning to announce a correspondence (home study) certification course by the end of the year. Listen to the Podcast for the details.

Check out Suzette's book.
Yoga for the Core: Finding Stability in an Unstable Environment

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