PictureDennis ironman

Instructor Dennis Mellon presents his A little Bit of Everything profile as our 60th Audio Class PROfile! What has me most excited is Dennis has included a Harmonically Mixed playlist he created with Mixed In Key software on his Mac.

Dennis exemplifies exactly what I refer to when I say; "we provide a platform for smart, talented Instructors here at ICI/PRO!" It brings me huge pleasure to discover and then promote Instructors to our members around the world + produce their class profiles for your enjoyment.

We're convinced these profiles, from a real diversity of contributors, with help you grow as an Instructor and then keep your class filed with energetic and excited riders!

This new Audio Class PROfile will make an awesome addition to your rotation of class profiles.

Ride Profile: “A Little Bit of Everything”.

This is my “Go To” profile.  This workout, like the title says, is a little bit of everything. Riders will work on all energy systems and all types of riding.  At some point in this workout every rider will work on both their strengths and weaknesses.  The ride will start with a warm-up followed by a Threshold Check.  The first set will be a longer “around threshold” ride.  In the second set riders will perform three, 2-3 minute, “above threshold” intervals.  The Third Set is a sustained “Race” effort.  The workout will conclude with three 1 minute max efforts.

Download the PROfile PDF

A Little Bit of Everything PRO/Playlist in Spotify - and in Deezer check these as sometimes that don't convert exactly.

You'll need this track - Proper Education to complete your playlist. Right Click > Save As and then open in iTunes. It should show in your Spotify / Local Files library and you can add it before syncing to your phone.

Listen to Dennis' presentation below.

Want to learn more about Dennis Mellon? Check out his website.



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