Schwinn AC vs FreeMotion Indoor Cycles ReviewI now have access to both Schwinn A.C. Performance Indoor Cycles
and FreeMotion S11.9 Indoor Cycles in a super secret location*  I'm planning a comprehensive review of both cycles over the next couple of months.

Both the Schwinn AC and FreeMotion have the latest Power Consoles from each manufacture.

I've already had the the chance to teach a class on the FreeMotion S11.9 and feel you will enjoy riding them at the conference this year. I may have discovered one distinct advantage of measured power that we can use to solve one of the biggest challenges we face as Instructors.

This is going to be very interesting 🙂

*OK, it's not so secret... they're at the Life Time Fitness in Chanhassen, MN. If you are near by, connect with me and I'll let you know when I'm teaching there again.


Originally posted 2011-07-17 08:23:33.


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