So which fitness club or cycling studio is looking today to hire a passionate & talented Indoor Cycling Instructor?
How can I say that with such conviction, without actually surveying every club/studio on the planet?
That's easy 🙂 Every successful business owner/manager I know, is continuously looking to hire good people. It doesn't matter if they have a "help wanted" sign hanging in the window or not.
Why is this important for anyone interested in securing their first regularly scheduled class? Because, quite simply, it's important for you to understand (and more importantly believe) this when you approach a studio owner or manager. Having the perception that they're buying, what you're selling, is a great confidence builder.
So is 2017 going to be the year you land your first teaching gig? Or maybe the year when you'll decide to move beyond your comfort zone and audition at the hot, new studio opening down the street?
Either way, I'm thinking some of these articles will be helpful for you.
ICI Podcast 315 — Christian Noni is looking for a great story from you! Owners and managers are looking beyond where you were certified. What's your story?
Are you the next Women”™s Health Fitness Star? Are you presenting yourself as a fitness celebrity?
Life Time Fitness is hiring Fitness Instructors - good info regardless of the Big Box brand you're interested in.
5 Reasons Instructors (that would be you and me) Need A Professional Headshot - have one?
Would you teach indoor cycling in a facility that required exclusivity? The question will probably come up... how will you answer?
General articles about successful auditioning
Originally posted 2016-12-26 09:43:38.
- ICI Podcast 234 Coaching (not teaching) a class with cadence - January 13, 2025
- ICI/Podcast 128 Introducing Threshold Field Testing to your class with Karen Bernardo - January 4, 2025
- Indoor Cycling Class As One Long Climb – Very Nice! - December 29, 2024