Reverse Periodization from Training Peaks

Reverse Periodization from Training Peaks

Share this information with your athletes the next time they show up for a class and let you know that they are not going to follow along because they are "Base Training". For triathletes in the Northern Hemisphere, the season is almost over. Days are getting shorter,...
Jumps – 5 possible reasons you aren’t offering them… even though your riders will appreciate you adding them to your classes Pt 2

Jumps – 5 possible reasons you aren’t offering them… even though your riders will appreciate you adding them to your classes Pt 2

  In Jumps — 5 Reasons Riders Might Appreciate You Adding Them To Your Classes Pt 1 I feel I offered 5 pretty substantial reasons why your participants would appreciate you adding Jumps as a regular feature in your classes. So if you're not including jumps in...
Jumps – 5 possible reasons you aren’t offering them… even though your riders will appreciate you adding them to your classes Pt 2

Watt Is Power?

Watt Is Power? Or rather what is power? With a title like that, we could be here for days.  Perhaps a better title would have been: What Is Power As It Relates To Cycling or even more to the point would be: Training on Indoor Cycling or Spinning® Bikes With Power. ...