ICI/PRO Podcast 0018 – 100818 Drills And Skills Ride Delivered by Amy

ICI/PRO Podcast 0018 – 100818 Drills And Skills Ride Delivered by Amy

  “This weeks ride is from Amy! - This is a copy of one of the rides that Amy does during the Cycling Fusion Certifications to show the new instructors a sampling of various drills that they can use to build their rider”™s skills.” Joey Short version of...
The Great Spotify Enigma Survey

The Great Spotify Enigma Survey

e·nig·ma [uh-nig-muh]  noun, a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation: Spotify is such an awesome service for Indoor Cycling Instructors, it's an enigma to me... why so few Instructors are actually using it. Or maybe it just looks that way. I'm basing my...
The Great Spotify Enigma Survey

Using Spotify Off Line

Click the title for full post: Another question about Spotify: I was off to teach a class on Friday and always listen to my playlist on the drive over and all the songs were skipping. I tried rebooting my iPhone and still no luck. Luckily I had my iTunes playlist on...
The Great Spotify Enigma Survey

Tech Tuesday – Free Trial From Spotify

I love Spotify! It's hands down the most convenient service on earth for discovering, sampling and sharing music. I use Spotify every day and enthusiasticly promote it to anyone who will listen. If you're privileged to live in an area where it's available, you can try...