New Articles

Options for Online Indoor Cycling CEC's
Where does the time go? It seems like just last month I was busy completing the last few of the 20 credit hours (2.0 CECs) I needed for my ACE group fitness Instructor renewal. Actually it was two years ago and at the time, I took advantage of the free CEC's offered by Team ICG. While I was scrambling again this year to complete all my credits, I figured I should share my bookmarked sources for relevant online courses with our ICI/PRO members. All of these educational offerings carry ACE CECs and credits with other certification providers. Team ICG While ICG's CECs are no longer free, they are still a real bargain at $7.25 to $10.00 per credit hour. That's about half what I'm used to paying. There's a bunch of interesting study topics available like; periodization, music & motion,...
Don't be too quick to “educate” members
If you haven't yet, I would encourage you to listen to our latest Podcast that features 26 year old Cycling Studio owner Jessica Bashelor. If you're short on time, you really only need to hear the lead in where she describes her vision for her studio. I knew that I...
11 Things to Know Before Your First Spin Class
Heading to a spin class? Check out these tips first for the best experience... We love to ride our bikes outside, but sometimes a spin class is a quick way to get a super intense fitness fix that could see you reaping serious benefits in power and speed. Spinning...
Danny Macaskill Video
New Danny Macaskill IC Video! [wlm_private 'PRO-Platinum|PRO-Monthly|PRO-Gratis|PRO-Seasonal|Platinum-trial|Monthly-trial|PRO-Military|30-Days-of-PRO|90 Day PRO|Stages-Instructor|Schwinn-Instructor|Instructor-Bonus|28 Day Challenge'] ...
ICI Podcast 212 – Jim Karanas has news and a warning about bicycle safety
Master Trainer Jim Karanas from Team ICG® joins me on this episode to discuss both Jim's and my concerns that those of you who are heading outdoors this summer, do so safely! Although it was hard for him to talk about, Jim's wife (and long time riding/training and...
What are the top three reasons for people joining a health club?
Here is an interesting article from IHRSA IHRSA recently (April 2009) conducted a survey of 1,000 Americans and asked them why they are attracted to their health club, what their personal goals were, and if they were not members of a health club, what prevented them...
ICI Podcast 43 Q and A with Master Spinning Instructor Mark Tickner Pt 2
This Podcast is was originally published on April 23, 2009, I have updated it with our new Podcast host information and I am representing it now. I hope you enjoy it, Joey Here is part 2 of my interview with Master Spinning Instructor Mark Tickner. We discuss the...
The SoulCycle Effect
We're seeing a crazy number of new small/independent/boutique studios opening all over the world - which is awesome. I love being part of a growth industry, not to mention how all these new studios need Instructors! But what's driving all this growth? I know that a...
Through The Customer’s Eyes
Some riders are present to train and give 100% every class. Many, however, are present simply to be…present. Through The Customer”™s Eyes When was the last time you really looked at the Indoor Cycling experience you offer through the eyes of your customer? The riders...
Keep it Simple and Progress – Profile Week 3 At or Above Threshold
Below you'll find Week 3 of October's @ or Above Threshold Keep it Simple and Progress indoor cycling profile. Workout Basics: 4 minute warmup 15 minute benchmark ride to find "Maximum Sustainable Wattage" 2 minute recovery 6 x 1 minute interval w/30 sec...
The Weekly Ride – 05/07/18 Intervals
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion No more hunting for new music or counting out cues to develop your ride profile. Here is your ready to ride profile for a fully choreographed ride, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards...
ICI Podcast 234 Coaching (not teaching) a class with cadence
The Manx Cycling Club on The Isle of Mann has created some incredible cyclists who have contributed to the recent success of British Cycling. The "Fasted Man on Two Wheels" World Champion / Tour multi stage winner Mark Cavendish (they call him "Sir Mark Cavendish"...
Rise by Katy Perry – The Official Olympics Video
This video gives me goosebumps every time I watch it! Premium Members can download this Video for free by following the links below: [wlm_private 'PRO-Platinum|PRO-Monthly|PRO-Gratis|PRO-Seasonal|Platinum-trial|Monthly-trial|PRO-Military|30-Days-of-PRO|90 Day...
Staying Connected To Your Students
As a long time educator, I’ve learned some lessons that have been very valuable to me as I added ‘Cycling Instructor’ to my resume. One of the things that I’ve learned over my years in education is how much my students and parents appreciate being connected to what’s...
ICI/Podcast 128 Introducing Threshold Field Testing to your class with Karen Bernardo
ICI/PRO Member Karen Bernardo is the owner of Carpe Diem Fitness and Wellness in Mississauga, Ontario Canada. Karen taught a Threshold Field Test with great success in her Indoor Cycling class. When she sent us an email describing the full classes she had and how...
Help Wanted – Emerging women's cycling apparel brand hiring reps
Moxie Cycling apparel was featured last January on Podcast #195 where a number of ICI/PRO members participated in a focus group, giving feedback about the new cycling jerseys from Moxie. Fast-forward nine months and business is so good that Moxie Cycling's founder...
Indoor Cycling Class As One Long Climb – Very Nice!
They made this DVD just for me! OK, not really. But it is exactly what I have asked for; a long climb without a bunch of distractions. I need to thank Allen Jones from Epic Planet for sending me a sample of this DVD - a small perk of this job 🙂 If you asked a...
JANUARY 10, 2017 I received the following text message from a customer... Your new employee Boomer Rose. He has a history of drug use. On supervised probation. Everyone deserves a second chance. We all make mistakes but just want you to be aware. MEET BOOMER Boomer...
A view from the student's perspective – New post from Tri-ing to be Athletic
Julie Erdmann from Tri-ing to be is back with another entertaining picture-post about her second Indoor Cycling class - Send the Men in the White Coats I have gone back to spin class. Twice. And let me just tell you, it has *not* gotten easier....
Which do you teach – Movement or Intensity Based Classes?
This question from a prospective ICI/PRO member got me thinking today, while out on my early AM training ride... I'm interested in signing up for your programs, but I have a few questions about the information that is received. When you receive the classes, are...
Heavy Breathing
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas Cycling performance is all about oxygen. Muscle cells need oxygen to burn fuel and produce the energy necessary to power the muscle contractions that move us. This is known as cellular respiration. All indoor-cycling...
The Weekly Ride – 02/26/18 February Race Day!
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues. Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards. This ride is timed out, down to the second, to make your...
How do I get my picture on
Here is a quick step-by-step guide. Take a picture of yourself with your class or on your instructor bike. You may want to ask your club manager or one of the kids in the club's childcare to take the picture so no one is left out. Attach it to an email to:...
The Weekly Ride – 011419 January Ride – Amy Smith
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
The Weekly Ride – 12/26/2017 Race Day Ride
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues. Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards. This ride is timed out, down to the second, to...
ICI/PRO Podcast #105 – Explosive Power Audio PROfile with Tom Scotto from Stage 5 Cycling
Tom Scotto joins us to explain how to coach Explosive Power efforts (sprints) in your Indoor Cycling class. Sprinting is one of the most poorly taught and misconstrued movements in indoor cycling. I'm sure you have all seen it - instructors cueing sprints with little...
Give them CREDIT.
By Jennifer Lintz, RD, LD, and ICI/PRO Contributor Isn't it nice to get a pat on the back from time-to-time? Even though coming to a cycle class - or working out, period - may not be a big deal for some of our participants, it can be a huge feat for others. One of my...
Q Factor – What is it and should you care?
You will be hearing more about "Q Factor" from Spinning® / Star Trac so I thought you may appreciate knowing what it is, in case it comes up in conversation. Q Factor (also know as Tread) is simply the separation/distance between the two pedal cranks of a bicycle or...
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Jim Karanas and ICG® Marketing & Product Director Gary Warren Forward Motion Video was first produced for, and used in, Indoor Cycling classes in the form of DVDs. DVDs paved the way for production companies like Virtual Active to bring...
Power’s Second Coming for Indoor Cycling
I”™m going to go out on a limb here (wow, that”™s new for me right? NOT!) and say that we will see a resurgence of interest in Power this year. It”™s not rocket science nor spooky soothsaying, it”™s just logical from my point of view. When the Keiser & Schwinn...
It's never too early for Christmas Shopping
As the "Senior Group Fitness Instructor" here I insisted that John set me up with an ICI/PRO membership. Now I'm using it to take advantage of the Pearl Izumi discount program. It dawned on me that I could do a bunch of Christmas shopping for my Instructor friends and...
ICI/PRO In Staffanstorp Sweden
When I fired-up my microphone and recorded the very first episode of the Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast back in August 08, never in my wildest dreams would I have believed this would happen; an Instructor in Staffanstorp, Sweden would be walking into his class with...
Shiny (sweaty) Happy People
Five million viewers of ABC's "Good Morning America" TV program were treated to a wonderful promotion for Indoor Cycling this past week. As I watched I just couldn't help myself and began humming REM's Shiny Happy People. That was exactly what I was seeing >...
Staying Open
By ICG® Master Trainer Vanessa Wilkins Cycling instructors are a special breed, and all a little different. There are those who coach, those who teach choreography, those who talk heart rate and RPM, and those who teach meditation on the bike. I always strive to...
The Power of 3 – Keep it Simple and Progress – Profile
I have been receiving an incredible amount of positive feedback about these progressive profiles, so I have decided to provide ICI/Pro members with two profiles per week starting in September. In order to keep it Simple and keep it Progressive I'm going...
Best Practices For Professional Indoor Cycling Instructors
We've added a new category (which are one of the ways we organize content) called Best Practices - clicking that link will display all posts and Podcasts that we feel are the Best Practices for that particular subject. One of our objectives here at ICI/PRO is, with...
ICI/PRO Podcast #153 – Climbing Strength Intervals Audio PROfile
Master Instructor Tom Scotto delivers our latest Audio PROfile Climbing Strength Intervals. PROFILE OVERVIEW This profile is called Climbing Strength Intervals. It is a simple profile that focuses on four 3- minute climbing intervals designed to test and develop...
Give Participants Ownership with Interactive Drills
By Jennifer Lintz, Registered Dietitian and ICI PRO Contributor A few days ago, I attended one of my colleagues' classes. The ride was top notch from start to finish, but one drill in particular got me thinking. Towards the middle of class, Lori (the instructor) told...
Where did Spotify's Playlist Timer Go?
What the @#$%^& was Spotify thinking by removing the total playlist time in the latest update? The number of followers has zero value to me when I'm building a playlist. Last week my Spotify displayed this message offering to update, which I regrettably did. Now I...
Explosive Power pt 1 – Video PROfile with Tom Scotto from Stage 5 Cycling
In this Video Profile Tom Scotto takes us through a progression of drills for teaching Explosive Power Sprints. Because the total time on this would be > 30 minutes I have broken it into 3 parts. Part 1 focuses on coaching proper and safe form in what Tom...
My Journey to IHRSA 2015: Part 2
On Wednesday March 11th around 2:00pm I arrived in LAX to take part in my first IHRSA as a Master Educator for Stages Indoor Cycling. I was so excited that I went straight to the convention center to help the Stages team finish setting up our booth. I had been to the...
Favorite Track of The Week
This week”™s favorite track was originally released exclusively for iTunes when they launched Apple Music back on June 30th. Pharrell Williams”™ Freedom was also released just in time for the July 4th holiday, so it”™s definitely a great one to...
Intro to ZONING in a CAN short video
If you teach "Club Athletes", what many of us see as the majority of the student in our classes, and want to educate your students / clients on Heart Rate training program, I highly recommend you look into Zoning Fitness. In the video below, Chuck Cali and Sally...
A failure of leadership leads to anarchy and chaos in class
4/1/16 update - not an April Fools joke, rather I'm re-publishing this today to help a friend with this issue. I heard a very disturbing story this morning, from a regular in my 6:00am class. What follows is a sad example of what happens when an Instructor isn't the...
LIVESTRONG® Fitness to Release Special-Edition Indoor Cycle Dedicated to the 28 Million People Living with Cancer
Proceeds to benefit LIVESTRONG From: 11.24.2010— COTTAGE GROVE, Wis. — In January, LIVESTRONG® Fitness by Johnson Health Tech will release the LS28IC, a special-edition indoor training cycle honoring the 28 million people living with cancer...
An easy decision to make…
Well actually it was a non-decision 🙂 I received this notice today via email - Dear Carbonite Customer, Your Carbonite Online backup subscription for your computer JOHN-PC is scheduled to automatically renew in 7 days. When you signed up for Carbonite you selected...
Indoor Cycling Shoes for Wide Feet
A member at our club asked me this morning asked me for a recommendation on a last minute Christmas present for her husband. She wanted to buy him some Indoor Cycling shoes, who she described as having "very wide feet". I know all about the challenges of...
Would you teach indoor cycling in a facility that required exclusivity?
Would you teach indoor cycling in a facility that required ? I live, work and play in and around Denver Colorado. The indoor cycling studio scene has not yet made its way into the Mile High City. We have some awesome stand alone studios like Breakaway, Epic...
The Effects of Cadence (Part 1) Extremes and Limitations
The cadence or speed at which we pedal has a large impact on the type of workout we will receive. Maybe larger than we think. Often times, the only thing that separates one workout from another is leg speed. This 4 part series will explore different ways cadence...
MindBody Online App for Indoor Cycling, Yoga, Pilates and Personal Training Studios
Want to use your iPhone or Android based device to schedule your next Indoor Cycling class? There's an App for that® 🙂 I added the ® because Apple has trademarked that phrase. Studio owner Bill Pryor has created an App for his customers at Spynergy Wellesley, Bill's...
Why is Sally Edwards dressed up as a couch potato?
To demonstrate the point that inside every "couch potato" is a Triathlete. I found this interview video of Sally Edwards very entertaining and motivating. I have forwarded it to my Indoor Cycling Class participants. Click the link or the picture to watch it 🙂
ICI/PRO Podcast # 219 Welcome To The Jungle from Krista Leopold, aka GroupFitPower
Meet Instructor Krista Leopold - another of our winners in the Ultimate Instructor Profile contest! Pedal-On members will recognize Krista as GroupFitPower. Welcome to the Jungle - An introduction to Tabatas is a well thought out profile that you can use to bring this...
Show some love, ride up front…
I got a compliment this morning and I wanted to share it with you. I subbed a class at a club where I don't normally teach. It's common to see members I recognize and two people I knew came in and set up right in the front. Seeing some familiar faces was very...
Personal Spinning® Threshold (PST) Assessment
At WSSC I had the opportunity to complete a PST (Personal Spinning® Threshold) test - which is (their words) the key to Spinpower success. I couldn't agree more as knowing your maximum sustainable power or Heart Rate, and then building training zones around a known...
Understanding FreeMotion's New Carbon Belt Drive
FreeMotion introduced a new belt drive option for their S11 series indoor cycles at IHRSA this year. Bill Pryor and I discussed it on Podcast # 204. Not being there to ride it, I figured that a belt is just a belt, right? Well no, in this case it isn't. Instead of...
The Indoor Cycling Studio Supplier Trifecta As an Indoor Cycling studio owner or manager, you want your supplier relationships to be a WIN/WIN/WIN where your supplier wins…your customer wins…and you win. Find the right retail supplier and you add value to the overall...
ICI Podcast 303 – A fun conversation with Chris Hawthorne AKA Chrispins
Chris Hawthorne AKA Chrispins and I had a Skype date yesterday morning, to record our latest Audio Class PROfile - Four Corners. I'll be publishing it later today for all of our ICI/PRO members to enjoy. Chris is another of the smart, talented people I enjoy promoting...
A Good Reason to Come Back
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Chuck Cali “Indoor cycling instructors!! As you 'teach' your class this week ask yourself- am I using this time to effectively TRAIN these people or am I using every trick in the book to just be an 'entertaining distraction'?? And yes,...
Could you be sued into bankruptcy?
What would happen if someone were to get hurt in your class tomorrow? It could be something as simple as a student slipping on a sweat soaked floor and twisting their knee, as they were climbing off at the end of class. One moment everything is fine. It was a great...
More Spotify PRO/Playlists – iTunes – iPod Questions Answered
ICI/PRO member Joanne asks: I did get the link to download onto my iPod.....and the damn thing downloaded all my songs on my computer, so I now have all my playlists on the iPod, which is now totally maxed. It seems like whenever I plug in, I automatically hook up to...
Why not an Indoor Cycling class focused on improving creativity?
9/19 update - listen to my interview with Dr Wendy Suzuki about Creativity Indoor Cycling here. I know that whenever I'm feeling the need to get more creative, I'll attend someone else's cycling class. Typically Amy's Saturday morning Evolution class at Fife Time. Not...
IDEA's Fitness Connect
Fitness Connect from IDEA is something I feel all of us Group Fitness Professionals and Fitness Studio owners need to jump on soon. I'm scheduling an interview with IDEA's head of business development for a future Podcast. In the mean time if you are an Indoor Cycling...
Survey Says – Schwinn AC Performance with old grey & new red (Echelon) consoles
My first exposure to the Schwinn AC Performance Indoor Cycle was back in the Fall of 2009. Since then I've seen them make a number of improvements > specifically to the console display with the intent of simplifying the calibration, improving the...
Amazon Business – Great Option For Your Indoor Cycling Studio
I'm a huge fan of Amazon Prime because it makes me feel super productive and efficient. When I realise I need something, rather then adding the item to a shopping list (I'll probably forget to bring to the store), I take 30 seconds to order it on Amazon. Then I hear...
ICI Podcast 107 Breathe Denver Indoor Cycling Studio Owner Sarah TV Russell
Breath Denver is the Indoor Cycling studio that hosted the Stage 5 Cycling Instructor certification that Jennifer and I participated in this past weekend. I'm fascinated by people who follow their passion, take a (big) risk and start an Indoor Cycling studio. Breathe...
KISS: Keep It Simple and Specific
K.I.S.S. [firstname] do you struggle with keeping your participants focused on the task at hand? Are you becoming more and more frustrated because it seems impossible to get your riders to understand and comply with your instructions? Maybe you simply have had enough...
Reminder about our free ICI/PRO Military Membership
We've got a bunch of ICI/PRO members scattered around the world who serve (and teach) in the military. I'm deeply appreciative of anyone who volunteers to serve - many times making huge sacrifices to do so. I love when I hear from one - Hi John - As you may be aware,...
What WAS I thinking!?!
While there are lots of local races throughout the season, there is only one “in my back yard”. So naturally, I like to do either the MTB race, or the Road race. I did both one year, and well…let”™s not go there. Since I took the entire year off my normal MTB...
How to Keep Crowds into February – Presentation by Shannon Fable of GroupEx PRO
Shannon Fable, Co-Founder and President of GroupEx PRO Group, has published this informative presentation directed at Instructors and studio owners/managers: How to Keep Crowds into February January is such a great time of year for Fitness Professionals, especially...
Could Breath Acoustics be our answer?
Cameron Chinatti from Stages Indoor Cycling alerted me to this Indiegogo project: BreathAcoustics All-in-One Headset. She was excited by it and I can see why. I've spoken with the inventor Nirinjan Yee who's the CEO and Founder of BreathResearch and we will be...
Beware the Apple Genius Bar Diagnosis!
Computers and cars fall into the same scary category for me: I depend on them, with little knowledge of how they work and how to repair them if when something goes wrong. You may not know this- but I got very lucky (or chose wisely), as my husband John is quite a...
Make Recovery Work
Yeah, sort of a play on words, but hopefully this article will help you use your recovery times more effectively. I”™m going to write a separate article on proper recovery and what is appropriate considering the constraints of indoor cycling. But for now, let”™s...
The Weekly Ride – 12/07/18 Last Years Holiday Ride
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...
The Effects of Cadence (Part 3) Power Output or Strength Development
I coached one of the last weeks of Cycling Fusion”™s winter training program with a focus on developing muscular strength. The indoor ride consisted of a 15-minute warm-up, 2 openers (short, high intensity efforts) and then 4 climbing strength intervals. The goal of...
Jumps – 5 Reasons Riders Might Appreciate You Adding Them To Your Classes Pt 1
I feel that "jumps" (the controlled/rhythmic/on-the-beat type - not the random "popcorn" or David Lee Roth varieties) have gotten a bad rap as of late. I love when they're a part of a class, enjoy teaching jumps and see them as beneficial for multiple reasons... here...
Having Problems Downloading the Massive Amount of Free Media On ICI/PRO?
Have you been having a hard time figuring out how to download media from the ICI/Pro website? Try following these directions and let me know if it helps: To download media to a Mac: Right Click on the blue underlined link Select "Download Linked File As"...
Life Time Fitness to unveil their new EDGE Cycling format & LT Connect Heart Rate Display System
Updated 10/30 below Short notice... it's tomorrow night. Here's the email invitation I received: EDGE Cycle kick-off with Bahram Akradi & quests This will be the 1st class offering in Minnesota of our “new” EDGE CYCLE signature Indoor cycle format! Expect to have...
My Instructor Employment Initiative = Connecting Instructors with Studios!
Question asked by a member of our Studio Owner's Facebook Group; "Where should I post listings to find quality Instructors for my new studio? Which is a great question... where will prospective Instructors know where to look for job listings in their area? Why here of...
Prime Time: Is Programming Possible?
By Team ICG® Master Trainer Chuck Cali “Is there a way to find out what your class profile will be before the class?” I”™m never quite sure how to take this question, which I get periodically. Still, I screw up the courage to ask, “Why?” The answer usually begins...
Simple and Progress Profile for July #1 – Hang On
Can you Hang On to the work done in the previous interval? Workout Basics: 5-minute warmup 3 x 4-minute intervals with 30 seconds recovery after each 1-minute recovery after the third 4-minute interval 3 x 3-minute intervals with 30 seconds...
Sports Psychologist Dr. KC Wilder to present at the conference!
This is exciting! Sports Psychologist (and ICI/PRO Member) Dr. KC Wilder was planning to attend this year”™s ICI/PRO conference. She offered (and I accepted of course) to teach one of her signature rides on Saturday October 1st. Tour de You (Ride) Special guest...
Favorite Track(s) of The Week
Happy Friday! It's time for my 'Favorite Track(s) of the week! In keeping with last week's theme, I've been all about Shazaming (is that even a word??) commercials. The first song I've been using a lot lately was released back in March but somehow has slipped my...
The Weekly Ride – 04/16/18 Speed and Muscular Endurance
Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion No more hunting for new music or counting out cues to develop your ride profile. Here is your ready to ride profile for a fully choreographed ride, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards...
Can you help me sell a room full of RealRyder Indoor Cycling Bikes?
Sometimes, with the best intentions (and a lot of effort), new fitness businesses don't work out as planned. Which leads to sending out a sad email like this one: John, sadly I have to close down 2 of my studios and consolidate to one due to landlord doubling the...
Where can I get certified as a “Spin®” “Schwinn®” or any other type of Indoor Cycling Instructor?
I get the "Where can I get certified as a "Spin®","Schwinn®" or simply an Indoor Cycling Instructor?" question a lot. While trying to be helpful, more often than not my response is "I'm sorry, but you are asking the wrong person." "The person you want to ask is the...
Don't Touch My Drivetrain!
Over the last few weeks, I”™ve noticed a number of riders in my classes that were setup incorrectly on their bikes. I found this odd only because these riders had been positioned correctly on their bikes a few weeks earlier. What happened? I talked to 3 of the...
Teammates Melissa Marotta & Barbara Hoots to co-lead 6-Hour “Ride for a Reason”
Our very own Melissa Marotta & Barbara Hoots will be co-leading the 11th Annual Special Olympics 6-Hour "Ride for a Reason" on Saturday, March 19 in Burlington, Vermont. Joined by Spinning® Master Instructors Angie Scott and Anthony Musemici, Melissa and Barbara...
How Hard Should We Be Working When Teaching
Like always, there is no pat answer. It often depends on the instructor”™s teaching style, the type of ride and the class”™s expectation. Teaching Style I tend to break down the style categories as Coach, Trainer and Instructor. The Coach is on the road...
Myth #2 of Indoor Cycle Rider Setup / Bike Fit
I actually got myself in a little trouble exposing Myth #2 You (the Instructor) can set yourself up correctly. It was at the end of an Instructor evaluation, where I was a pretend participant. The Dept Head asked us if we had any comments or suggestions for the...
ICI Podcast 280 – Use your studio as a marketing platform and get free publicity!
ICI/PRO member & Cycle Quest Studio owner Joe Ducosin hosted Olympic Gold Medalist Dara Torres at his studio last week - and the results were a bunch of free local media that promoted his studio. Dara was in town to promote the new women's specific FitClips...
ICI/PRO Podcast 339 Understanding the floors and ceilings of training with power
I prefer to limit the mathematical computations many Instructors typically ask of their classes. For example you'd never hear me say; "now I want everyone at 85% of their FTP" or... "this next interval is 30 seconds in Zone 5B which is 103 to 106% of your LT/AT heart...
Everyone Loves a Parade!
Here in the USA we're big on parades, especially in smaller towns and around the Fourth of July. They make the perfect venue to promote local business and that includes Indoor Cycling Studios! Melissa Spredemann is opening Velocity Cycling Studio, a new Spinning...
Meet Biggest Loser Winner Pete Thomas!
ICI/PRO member Joe Ducosin invited Amy and me to a special event at Cycle Quest Indoor Cycling Studio, Joe's new studio in Eden Prairie, MN. The event was a kick off for the Minnesota Tour de Cure, a fundraising ride for the American Diabetes Association. It...
Is this legal?
Last weekend Amy and I were in a Spinning class at a Life Time Fitness in Scottsdale. The instructor's playlist was a series of YouTube videos she played off her iPhone. The class was very cool... and all I could think about was how much my class would love this... Is...
Understanding ANT+ and Heart Rate Monitors on Indoor Cycles
PRO member Kay asked a very good question about ANT+ ... I'm also wondering about Heart Rate. If the bikes are ANT+, will they only pick up ANT+ Heart Rate Monitors? I noticed that the new Schwinn did not pick up my Polar HRM Thank you for your comments! Kay...
ICI Podcast 29 Indoor Cycling DVDs
This Podcast is was originally published on January 15, 2009, I have updated it with our new Podcast host information and I am representing it now. I hope you enjoy it, Joey Video options for your Indoor Cycling class get better every day. In this episode I interview...
Favorite Track(s) of The Week
New music Friday is a favorite day of mine. I love waking up with my morning cup of coffee and Spotify (and iTunes) to see what new music I can find to use in my classes. Sometimes I walk away disappointed and other times I feel like I”™ve hit the jackpot. I can...
They Were In Shock — The Adventures of Creating an Indoor Cycling Certification
This post from and has been re-posted with permission. By Tom Scotto You don”™t want to continually warn people how hard your certification testing is because it always sounds like you”™re just trying to hype things...
New Epic Planet Video – The Virtual Race Across America
The crew at have produced a new DVD you can show in your Indoor Cycling classes. The Virtual Race Across America is a 60 minute (there's also a 45 minute option) DVD or Video that was created using footage shot during the 2013 RAAM Race Across...
ICI PRO Podcast 368 – Does Intensity Trump Duration?
Do Indoor Cycling Classes really need to be 45-60 minutes - to provide the health and fitness benefits expected by our participants? Asked another way: If your studio offered classes that were shorter (say 30 minutes), while still just as effective as 3/4 or a full...
ICI/PRO Podcast #155 – Do we need to take a step back and stand down?
Are we losing some of the people in our classes with all this talk of; Max HR =bad & Threshold HR = good, T1 & T2, Training Zones, Functional Threshold Power, Watts, Kilo-calories, etc...? Spinning® & Indoor Cycling has been around for over 15 years and...