New Articles

Beware the Apple Genius Bar Diagnosis!

Beware the Apple Genius Bar Diagnosis!

Computers and cars fall into the same scary category for me: I depend on them, with little knowledge of how they work and how to repair them if when something goes wrong. You may not know this- but I got very lucky (or chose wisely), as my husband John is quite a handy mechanic. Phew!  The car part is handled. He's also is very familiar with PC's and his brother, Dan, is a Microsoft top-certified technician, so for years I had the computer part handled too. Last January, I entered a 'brave new world' and purchased a MacBookPro. Why you ask? The much advertised virus-free intuitiveness of Apple intrigued me, along with the fact that 90% of the people in my new office use and support Apple. It was a relatively painless transition to MacLand mentally and emotionally. The physical hardware...

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Make Recovery Work

Make Recovery Work

Yeah, sort of a play on words, but hopefully this article will help you use your recovery times more effectively.  I”™m going to write a separate article on proper recovery and what is appropriate considering the constraints of indoor cycling.  But for now, let”™s...

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The Weekly Ride – 12/07/18 Last Years Holiday Ride

The Weekly Ride – 12/07/18 Last Years Holiday Ride

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...

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The Weekly Ride – 04/16/18 Speed and Muscular Endurance

The Weekly Ride – 04/16/18 Speed and Muscular Endurance

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion No more hunting for new music or counting out cues to develop your ride profile.  Here is your ready to ride profile for a fully choreographed ride, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards...

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Don't Touch My Drivetrain!

Don't Touch My Drivetrain!

Over the last few weeks, I”™ve noticed a number of riders in my classes that were setup incorrectly on their bikes.  I found this odd only because these riders had been positioned correctly on their bikes a few weeks earlier. What happened? I talked to 3 of the...

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Everyone Loves a Parade!

Everyone Loves a Parade!

Here in the USA we're big on parades, especially in smaller towns and around the Fourth of July. They make the perfect venue to promote local business and that includes Indoor Cycling Studios! Melissa Spredemann is opening Velocity Cycling Studio, a new Spinning...

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Is this legal?

Is this legal?

Last weekend Amy and I were in a Spinning class at a Life Time Fitness in Scottsdale. The instructor's playlist was a series of YouTube videos she played off her iPhone. The class was very cool... and all I could think about was how much my class would love this... Is...

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Made it!

Made it!

I'm celebrating the one year anniversary of the Indoor Cycle Instructor Podcast! Thank you to everyone who participated or listened over the past year. When I  started this Podcast, I was a bit concerned that I would run out of things to talk about. I mean really,...

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Happy 75th Birthday Ed Hayes!

Happy 75th Birthday Ed Hayes!

Ed Hayes is a listener and member of  our community. Ed Hayes is 75 today March 8th 2009 and to celebrate he taught a 2- hour Indoor Cycling Class! Looking at his picture I'm guessing 75 is the new 50. Check out his certifications: ACSM  Certified Health...

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Me & My Big Mouth

Me & My Big Mouth

As is customary, I”™ve opened my big mouth and am faced with the proverbial “put up or shut up”.  Don”™t get me wrong, I”™m not one to trash talk and overstate my abilities.  However, I am one that is always challenging others to accomplish things they think are...

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Is it worth the risk?

Is it worth the risk?

With the increase popularity of indoor cycle classes comes new participants. These club members have been eyeing your class and have been asking other members about their experiences. As much as they would like to try out your cycle class, there are a few distracting,...

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The Weekly Ride – 03/27/18 Cadence Work

The Weekly Ride – 03/27/18 Cadence Work

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion No more hunting for new music or counting out cues to develop your ride profile.  Here is your ready to ride profile for a fully choreographed ride, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards...

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When it rains… it pours :(

When it rains… it pours 🙁

UPDATE 6/7 5:15 and Amy and I are on the bus to Duluth, MN for the start of the MS 150. The start tomorrow AM is looking to be 42°F 🙁 is back! UPDATE 6/6 4:00 Thanks for your patience [wlm_firstname] We are getting closer to solving the multitude of...

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The Weekly Ride – 10/01/18 80s Endurance Ride

The Weekly Ride – 10/01/18 80s Endurance Ride

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...

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Earn some free CEC's this weekend

Earn some free CEC's this weekend

If you are a group fitness instructor my discovery could save you some money. My ACE cert is due for renewal this Summer and I need .6 ACE continuing ed credits, and quick. I looked at the site for some online CECs and found two courses that I thought...

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The Weekly Ride – 02/19/18 Anti V Day Ride

The Weekly Ride – 02/19/18 Anti V Day Ride

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues.  Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards.  This ride is timed out, down to the second, to make your...

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Using Imagery to Improve Technique

Using Imagery to Improve Technique

Athletes know all too well the benefits of using imagery before competition. A tennis player will imagine his powerful topspin-slice first serve. A golfer will rely on imagery to review her plan of action for her next swing. A baseball player will use imagery to get...

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Stop the Talkers – Step Three… Let's Fix This Today!

Stop the Talkers – Step Three… Let's Fix This Today!

In part two we identified how the talkers act the way they do because of; cluelessness, a lack of respect for you and your class or they're challenging your position as the leader. Much of this could also apply to the texters/bring their own music/do their own thing...

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Bringing it All Together

Bringing it All Together

It’s like trying to drink from a fire hydrant! During the weeks of September we were focused on improving our instructor and coaching skills.  Articles were posted on how we look, sound and feel as we lead our classes. We were already bubbling with info, thoughts and...

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Indoor Cycle With Power Survey Says!

Indoor Cycle With Power Survey Says!

We got great responses to our two surveys asking for feedback from both Instructors and Studio owners about the Indoor Cycles they're riding and the impact power is having on their classes. Now the challenge becomes; "how do we publish all of this information in a way...

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The Weekly Ride – 09/24/18 September 2018 Amy

The Weekly Ride – 09/24/18 September 2018 Amy

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...

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The Cockpit?

The Cockpit?

In my last article I focused on the implications of making adjustments to the drivetrain (seat height, fore-aft, tilt, etc.) to compensate for issues and limitations surrounding the upper-body and cockpit. Drivetrain … Cockpit….. are these “technical” terms in the...

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How could I forget Nina!!!!

How could I forget Nina!!!!

I feel so foolish. When I listed the members of the ICI/PRO Team I completely forgot to include a very important person (whom I describe as my Angel), ICI/PRO member Nina Israel! Nina contacted me after the conference last fall, asking if she could contribute in some...

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The Weekly Ride – 03/12/18 Is It Spring Yet?

The Weekly Ride – 03/12/18 Is It Spring Yet?

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion: No more hunting for new music or counting out cues.  Here is your ready to ride document, that can be displayed from your phone, or printed out onto cue cards.  This ride is timed out, down to the second, to make your...

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Is a triathlon on your list of resolutions?

Is a triathlon on your list of resolutions?

Last year my big goal was competing in my first full Triathlon. To prepare I followed the training from this excellent Triathlon Training DVD series produced by USA Triathlon. The series is designed for a beginner and it helped me understand exactly what I was getting...

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Race Day Video from Epic Planet

Race Day Video from Epic Planet

If you've ever asked yourself; "when will there be a video that we could use as part of a Spinning® Class Race Day profile?" The answer is now! Epic Planet has just released Pensacola Stage Race  which I see as perfect for a Race Day class or to use during an FTP or...

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The Weekly Ride – 020419 January Ride – Amy Smith

The Weekly Ride – 020419 January Ride – Amy Smith

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Welcome to our new era of The Weekly Ride, you get: Full Ride PDF Apple Music Playlist Spotify Playlist File to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming) The Ride will be available for purchase...

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The Weekly Ride – 072219 Beast Workout

The Weekly Ride – 072219 Beast Workout

Welcome to the The Weekly Ride by Cycling Fusion Full Ride PDFApple Music PlaylistSpotify PlaylistFile to Download the Ride directly into My Fitness DJ (Yes, no Programming)The Ride will be available for purchase in the iClass Builder Store (No Programming)A Podcast...

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